Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fishabout - Nov. 09 Lincoln National Park

After our Oyster farm tour, restock supplies, repaired the water pump on the outboard and ready to check out the local fishing!

Ready to set up the annexe, full camp set up takes about an 1 hour!

No water to beach launch our tinnie

It's a controlled burn off behind North Side Hill.
Every one gets nervous when they see smoke like this!

We had 10 days with calm water conditions like this,
and 35 - 40 degree temperatures - quite before the storm!

Brother Neil & Teresa came over to visit, we already had a feed of salmon for some smoked fish.

 Qantas on time and Virgin would be 5 minutes behind,
to Melbourne

The flies were so bad, this was the only way to eat without getting some extra protein!

Primed the fly trap at 1130hrs now 1621hrs, 5 days it was full!

It was one way to cool off during the heat wave!

Our local neighbour, at least he did not enter the annexe!

Our 'cool' pool!

and 'MAGIC' sunsets!

Our resident Roo!

Ready for action, dropped by Pacific Gull onto the beach,
then flew off!

This is what you call 'calm' water fishing

Strong Fish or Strongies - rarely take a bait, but if they do, hang on, hence the name.

No fish around with this guy hanging around

Bruce and Bonnie anchored up in the bay several times, dropped by for a chat. Oop's! Bonnie had dropped her phone overboard along with a bucket and vacuum cleaner connections. I borrowed their mask and flippers, two quick duck dives retrieved the lot in about 18ft of water. The phone was buggered, but the SIM card fired up in our phone okay.

We signed their visitors book. It's a small world, Bonnie had taught one of my second cousin's at Port Lincoln High School.

Bruce and Bonnies yatch - 'FREEDOM NOW'. They live in the Adelaide hills, and moor their yatch at the Marina in Port Lincoln.

Qantas 10 minutes late!

Regular visitors, some day's they would play, other's they were hungry and hunting!

Livin! off the lamb - Bone Lady!

Rest bench on one of our walks.

Just down the track another local.

Back in the tinnie and some action, but no fish.
Plenty of squid how ever.

Our flying mascot - 'White Shadow" as soon as we walk onto the beach 'WS' would soon be following.

Cleaning razor fish

An evening cruise

Our camp site looking East on the evening sunset


Good action!

The changing weather all within an hour.

Now what in the world is this contraption?

Razor Fish puller, without getting your feet wet and cold!

Self portrait - our 2nd Wedding Anniversary - Spalding Cove

Okay! I know it's a fishing blog and no fish. Well here's a few KGW - King George Whiting.

Cleaning the KGW in our descaling bag which also removes the slime. Put the squid (head removed) in there also and they come out whistle clean.

Sue's monster 420mm KGW

Oh! no more sunsets and dolphins!

The quiet before the storm!

Picture book stuff.

Our placid and calm beach

18 hours later

The NWN wind is getting up and the anchor is dragging, brave the elements and wade out to re-set the anchor. Forecast for 80 KPH winds.

Another 20hrs later and it's been blowing gale force all night and -
on checking our tinnie between rain squals it's full of water, one fuel tanks on the beach already. As it happens I had an anchor retrieval rope in place. So just pull the anchor in and beached the tinnie. Pulled the motor off, got it sprayed with CRC26, it took awhile but got it started okay.

fish caught in the tinnie - hundreds of them!

It's now low tide and salvage operations begin

Out between rain showers, tinnie full of water sand and seaweed along with 100's of fish fry. Undo drain plug an hour later still draining and only half empty, thus sped up the process and bucketed the remaining water and seaweed out. Dragged tinnie 4 mtrs to waters edge and tipped on side with star picket holding it up washed out the remaining sand and sea weed. Removed carpet etc. Refloated the good Tinnie 'FISHABOUT' put the outboard on and started 2nd pull with a few stalls but finally got it running okay and headed to the calm waters of Fisherman Point for 30 minutes and sure got the engine HOT!

Sue drove the Landcruiser over and we loaded the tinnie, unloaded at camp and cleaned down, installed carpets and casting decks etc. loaded tinnie.

Rain showers slowing the process, service fishing reels, striped and greased.

All our fishing tackle, washed in fresh water and sprayed. We were intending to pack in a few days as we had already loaded our tinnie we decided to head to town and get things tidied up and remove the awning to get a new one made locally.

Camped at my brothers place in Port Lincoln, out of the wind. Removed the awning and unpicking the zip's. The awning stitching has rotted on the roof rafter pockets and some of the zipper stitching is failing. Time for a new awning, local upholsterer Chris Hansen and long term family friend quoted on the work.

Okay Port Lincoln is known for it's Tuna industry and Dean Lukin - Commonwealth Games gold medal weight lifter, now's it's home of Makybe Diva - say no more, except _____

there's money in horse racing - 14.5 million in stakes winnings.

Ashley and Ali off on their Harlies to Broken Hill for the weekend - a house warming party for an ex-local

An enjoyable and unforgettable trip and camp in
Lincoln National Park. Meanwhile we are off home (Thailand) for several months over the cool season.

We will return!!